Army Dillo in Crystal Caves

I have the requirements and instructions for beating Army Dillo below.

Bananas needed to enter boss: 350
Kong to use for the boss: Donkey Kong
Special abilities needed for the boss: None

  To beat Army Dillo, dodge the fireballs that he fires at you. When he pops his head out and looks around, throw a TNT barrel at him. He'll be stunned for a second, and then go back inside of his metal shell again.
  Next, he'll begin to roll around like a steam roller. Run away from him to avoid getting squished. After a few seconds of rolling, his fireball cannons from his shell will disappear, and he'll bring out some rocket things instead. Army Dillo will go up in the air, and then stomp the ground really hard. The ground will be like a wave pool, and a green shockwave will be sent out. Use the Z and A jump to jump over the green shockwave. He'll then make his rocker things disappear back inside of himself, and bring out his fireball cannons. Now he'll start rolling around again. Dodge him to avoid getting squished. After a few seconds, he'll stop and shoot fireballs at you. Run around and dodge them. When he sticks his head out and looks around, throw a TNT barrel at him. He'll be stunned temporarily, and then go back inside of his shell.
  As before, he'll roll around. Dodge him and don't get squished. Next, he'll bring out his rocket things. He'll stomp the ground. Dodge the shockwave that comes towards you. This time, he'll go up in the air again, and stomp the ground. Dodge the shockwave that comes again. He'll start rolling again. Dodge him to avoid getting squished. Dodge the fireballs he'll shoot. When he pops his head out, throw a TNT barrel at him. He'll be stunned, and all of his machinery will blow off of him. Now he'll still fight, but he's got no weapons.
  Army Dillo will roll around again. Avoid getting squished by running around fast. He'll go up in the air next with his rocket things. He'll stomp the ground three times in total. Dodge the shockwave he sends out three times by doing the Z and A jump over the shockwave as it comes. Next, Army Dillo will have a huge cannon come out of the top of his shell. It will shoot fireballs from the sky and down to where you were standing. Move around constantly to easily dodge the fireballs that drop from the sky. Lastly, Army Dillo will shoot a huge guided missile out at you. To dodge it, run around in a circle until it blows up. Make sure you are close to the TNT barrel while doing this. After the guided missile blows up, Army Dillo will pop his head out. Quickly throw a TNT barrel at his head. Army Dillo will be stunned, and his shell, his rockets and his huge cannon will all explode, rendering Army Dillo defenseless. You've defeated him!

Result of returning this boss key: The opening of the last level, but then it
                                                 suddenly closes again.