K-Rool Cutout in Creepy Castle

I have the requirements and instructions for beating the K-Rool Cutout below.

Bananas needed to enter boss: 400
Kong to use for the boss: Lanky Kong
Special abilities needed for the boss: None

  At the start of the level, run into the cannon on the square that is lit up and you'll blast at him. He'll cry out in pain, and lasers will be fired at you from a different K-Rool cut-out. Try to swim underwater and dodge the puffer-fish when you go back to the middle area. When you're in the middle area, lasers will be fired at you again. Dodge them.
  Now, the real K-Rool cutout will pop up, and the cannon you need to fire out of will be flashing and bright. Fire out of the cannon to hit him again. Dodge the lasers that come at you as you go underwater, and make sure you don't hit any puffer-fish. When you're on the middle stone platform again, dodge the lasers. When the K-Rool cut-out pops up, look for the cannon square that is bright and lit. Go into that cannon and blast at him. The K-Rool cut-out will lose his arm.
  When you go back to the middle, the K-Rool cut-out won't fire lasers at you. Instead, two K-Rool cut-outs appear. One of them is fake. Since there are two squares that get lit up, check one of them. If the K-Rool cut-out you see is dark, then it's the fake one, and you can blast out of the other cannon on the other lit square. If the K-Rool cut-out looks bright and like it did before, it's the real one. Fire out of the cannon of the square you're on to hit it.  Dodge the lasers fired at you when you go back to the middle.
  On the middle stone platform, dodge the lasers fired at you. Now, the real K-Rool cut-out and the fake one will pop up again. Look for the lit squares, check to see if the one you're firing at is fake or real. Fire out of the correct cannon. You'll hit him again.
  Now, the real K-Rool cut-out will start popping up, disappearing and re-appearing in a circle from cannon to cannon. You won't get back in time to fire at him. Dodge the two sets of lasers the other K-Rool cut-out fires at you. Then, the real K-Rool cut-out will start popping up, disappearing and reappearing in a circle at the different cannons, so stay beside one and wait until your square is lit up. Right away, when your square lights up, run into the cannon and fire at him. He'll be hit. Dodge the lasers fired at you as you go back to the middle. Keep on repeating this paragraph until you beat him for good!

Result of returning this boss key: The official opening of the last level.